Cloud Cover
Belgian-Style Wheat Ale
4.8% ABV
Cloud Cover is brewed with Belgian pilsner malt, along with a blend of malted and unmalted wheat and oats. Cloud Cover is hopped with German Hersbrucker hops from Seitz Farms and spiced with orange peel and coriander in the Whirlpool. After fermentation, this beer is cold-conditioned for several weeks, allowing its complex flavors to develop. Cloud Cover pours a hazy yellow with a rocky white foam head and offers notes of fresh citrus and clove.
Coastal Plain
New Jersey Lager
5.4% ABV
Coastal Plain is our version of a Vienna-style lager that would have been brewed in places like Newark and Jersey City during the pre-prohibition era. It is brewed with all New Jersey grown malts and Yellow Dent corn from our friends at Rabbit Hill Malthouse. It’s lightly hopped with German Hallertau Mittlefruh and Hersbrucker in the kettle. Coastal Plain is not only a highly drinkable lager, but it is also one of our favorites to brew because it is our way of honoring the history of brewing in the great state of New Jersey.
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Winter Daydream
7.4% ABV
Winter Daydream is our 7.4% Winter Bock. Our take on a traditional bold German Bock. It's brewed with a complex grist of German pilsner and Munich males along with a touch of wheat and roast malts. Winter Daydream pours a dark brown color with a rocky foam from natural carbonation. It has aromatics of fresh baked brown bread and a light flavor profile of chocolate, coffee and hazlenuts. It’s complexity is balanced by the bitterness from our Seitz Farms hops.
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